The generosity of many individual, corporate and institutional contributors help make the opportunities available through the Jefferson Academy of Music possible. Take the time to read our policies to ensure clarity and consistency for all students and their instructors in making responsible use of our resources.
Class Cancellation
Jefferson Academy of Music reserves the right to cancel any class or group instruction for which there is insufficient registration. A full refund will be provided.
Parent/Guardian Observation
Parents/Guardians are welcome to observe any lesson or class involving their child silently.
Instructor Assignments
The Jefferson Academy of Music assigns instructors for classes and group lessons, with no choice available to the student. For private lessons, returning students are given priority for remaining with the same instructor. After that time, all students are matched to an available instructor at the requested level, taking into account preferences and other available information.
Instructors for Jefferson Academy agree they will not accept any student who has been registered in the program for study outside the Academy until three yearss after that student has left the program. Students and families should not ask instructors to compromise their professional integrity by breaching this understanding.
The student has contracted for the instructor's time, so it is essential to arrive promptly and prepared for each lesson or class. There are no refunds for absences at lessons or classes.
Lessons and classes for tardy students must end at the scheduled time. Instructors are obliged to wait no longer than ten minutes for tardy students, after which an unexcused absence must be recorded and no make-up lesson or class is available.
Student Absence
If a student absence is unavoidable, the instructor should be notified twenty four hours in advance. Less notification or no notification must be considered an unexcused absence. Only one excused absence, family emergency, death or illness, can be made up per term. The make up lesson must be completed before the conclusion of the term.
Instructor Absence
If an instructor is absent from a private lesson because of an emergency situation, every effort will be made to contact the student in advance. The instructor will reschedule the lesson if a substitute instructor is not available for the scheduled lesson time.
Weather Cancellation
Only in extreme conditions has Jefferson Academy closed because of weather conditions. If weather conditions should necessitate cancellation of Jefferson classes and lessons, the voicemail at (614) 268-0750 will have the information. A text message will also be sent. Any classes or lessons canceled by weather conditions will be rescheduled at an announced or mutually arranged time.
Probation or Dismissal
Jefferson Academy of Music reserves the right to place on probation or dismiss a student for any of the following reasons: unruly behavior, vulgar language, frequent absences, unsatisfactory attitude, lack of effort or progress, nonpayment of fees.
Jefferson Academy of Music cannot provide supervision for students before or after their lessons/classes. Their behavior, property, and personal safety are the responsibility of the parents/guardians at all times. Students and parents/guardians are asked to remain in the designated waiting area until the lesson/class time. They should meet promptly at the conclusion of the class.
We strongly urge students to wait inside the building until their transportation arrives, particularly when being picked up after dark. Students are advised against ever leaving the interior of the building without their parents'/guardians' knowledge and permission.
The nearby Columbs City Police can be called at any time by a 911 call from the landline or any mobile phone.
Withdrawals and Refunds
If a family/student is considering withdrawal from the program, a meeting with the Executive Director is recommended to discuss the reasons for withdrawal and discern whether another course of action may best benefit the student's education.
Non-attendance in class or lessons does not constitute withdrawal. In order to remain in good standing, a written notice of withdrawal must be submitted to the Jefferson Academy of Music Office and Executive Director at least two weeks in advance. Giving notification to the instructor is not considered withdrawal.
Tuition refunds or credits are not available for any withdrawal from a class. Tuition refunds or credits will be considered for private lesson instruction, but only if the withdrawal procedure has been followed and withdrawal is necessary for documented health reasons or significant change in a student or family's situation.
Change of Instructor
Any request to change instructor during the year must be addressed to, discussed with, and arranged by the Executive Director, Ruth Haddock. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the Director if problems arise affecting their musical studies. Every reasonable effort is made to respond to individual needs.
School Ensembles
Students who attend schools where there is a school orchestra, band, or choral program are urged to participate in that ensemble, allowing their school music program to benefit from the students' experience in the Jefferson Academy of Music.

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